Friday, April 18, 2014

The two photographs above should have been included in the previous posting, but here they are. They show the sit-down striker intervention during the day and give a better look at the site of the intervention- right next to a freeway exit. The photograph above is from the day the intervention was removed by a landscaping service November 3rd, 2013. El Paso, TX

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sit-Down Striker for Worker Solidarity intervention October 15th, 2013

This intervention remained on view in the same location until November 3rd when a landscaping service was brought in to clean up the area and mow the grass. At one point someone rotated the striker's head, but it was turned back to the correct position soon thereafter. The following few posts will be a little out of order in terms of when they occurred, but they are relevant to ongoing activities.